What's happening in East Anatolian Fault zone?

Turkey still wakes up with an earthquake. But why still these earthquakes creating big impact? We are looking at this situation now.


We have 3 most important fault zone :
1.West Anatolian Extensional Province
2.East Anatolian Fault zone. 
3.North Anatolian Fault zone. ( You can read about the North Anatolian Fault on this link.)

Bogazıcı Unıversıty

EAF ( East Anatolian Fault) very active for two years.  East of Turkey lived seven earthquakes in last five day. The biggest earthquake was 4.9 magnitudes in last week. But why this fault zone very active?

Okay and etc, 1999 

We know the Arabian plate moving to the north. Also, the Eurasia plate moving to the south. So, Turkey between Eurasia and Arabian plate. They still compressing to the Anatolian plate. Anatolian plate moving to the west. So, East Anatolian fault zone creating new earthquakes. Why we must concern?

Turkey lived big earthquakes from NAF ( North Anatolian Fault Zone).  We were concern about ıt. Other big fault zone woke  2 years ago. It collected big energy then emitted energy.  ıt was 6.8 magnitude in Elazıg.  We have to concern about the east Anatolian fault. It still creating new earthquakes. Geologists warn for this fault zone. Big earthquakes will be coming soon but impact will be hazard.  We should concentrate on the east Anatolian fault without forgetting the oncoming big Istanbul earthquake.

I'll write about the east Anatolian fault zone history asap.

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