Chapter IV : 30 January - Wuhan & Coronavırus

China was building a hospital but they had only a week. We will talk about this in the next chapter.

We gonna talk about what happened on the other side of the world. Who ( World Health Organization) made a statement about the new symptoms for coronavirus. Also, They warned to countries for the vırus. Wasn't ıt too late? Some news agency blamed to WHO for they have recognized too late to vırus.

Several countries implemented racist policies. A hairdresser didn't accept the china citizen in İtaly. Also, some photos were shared on twitter about this policy. We heard it in the form of the Chinese virus. Wasn't ıt racism?
Chris Buckley

Several Country wanted to use soldier power during the coronavırus. Cause' people weren't obeying the rules. But we still hear this situation. People still don't use a mask and obey the rules. News is sharing strange events. A woman jumped from the window when he was in quarantine. Also, a man ran from the police when he was a vırus. An old woman went to a wedding when she had a vırus...

Chris Buckley
By the way, several countries shared an announcement about the vırus like Jamaica. Some embassies in China wanted to reach their citizens.

Wait for tomorrow! I add a new post about this story every day.

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Stay at home.

From earth.


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