Chapter III : 29 January - Wuhan & Coronavırus

He woke up early. The days were getting stranger. Case numbers were raising every day when he worked in China.
By the way, the BBC shared a pıcture about the symptom of China vırus. The virus symptoms are: fever, cough, shortness of breath...
Photograph: BBC
We are listening to these symptoms on television every day. And this map was the first case map. Canada, USA, Germany, Russia, China and Australia approved vırus case. South Africa and Europe are still safe.
Photograph: BBC
And that morning Buckley shared a tweet. Cargo agencies still were working. Who can stop logistic of China? Fruit rayons were empty. People still had a concern about food. How can they provide product requirement?

                                                       Photograph: Chrıs Buckley

Ministery of Healthy of China did a survey. They wonder about" have you ever been in Wuhan " and " Do you have any symptoms". Pharmacies put an announcement. They didn't have any mask. 

Can you build a hospital in a week? Wait for tomorrow! I add a new post about this story every day.

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Stay at home.

From earth.

Chris Buckley link


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