Chapter VII : 6th February - Wuhan & Coronavırus

Hi, I was taking note in six February. But what happened from 2nd to 6th February? China built a hospital. Disney lost over 280 million money. Countries were still flighting evacuations. But the virus was still spreading.
The wall street journal
Total confirmed cases globally: 28,273 cases, 565 deaths   
Mainland China: 28,018 cases, 563 deaths
Outside mainland China: 260 cases in more than 25 places, 2 deaths 
*(I had taken all data from Cnn)
Chen Chı-Chuan-Afp- From Cnn
We had shared last situation about the train services.Train services are working but over %80 empty.
Noel Celis-AFP-From Cnn
WHO did statement " we will see the peak in next week". Chinese hospital shared an announcement.   Who shared first coronavirus cases doctor passed away. 
Li Wenliang-Cnn
Also, I have a little survey please fill these out. (link)

Please excuse any grammatical errors. 

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From earth.


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