Chapter XIII : What's happening in Schengen and Europe? (22 -25 February - Wuhan & Coronavırus)

We will talk about what happened in the Europe zone? Firstly, the world had almost 80 thousand virus cases in 28 countries. The war was starting now in Europe. The UK has made a new evacuation flight. 31 UK citizens saved from Wuhan. Asia has been living ruin days. These days was coming to Europe. They were ready?
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Middle of East:

Countries were following the events very closely. Ministry of the health of ıran reported new 2 cases and totally 28 cases. For this reason; Turkey and Afghanistan have closed the border to Iran.and turkey did new evacuation flight from ıran to Ankara. Also, Pakistan has implemented the same decision. Pakistan has a border with İran almost 900 km.

Middle of Europe:

Virus cases were emitting in İtaly. Italy is the second big country after china for case numbers. Italy government reported 132 cases. 2 citizens are passed away. Also, Schools, theatre and museums have closed in Venice. WHO sent workers to Italy for the learn real situation.

Also, Switzerland has shared announce about the first case. (A 70-year-old man ) But Europe unıon borders still is open.

North of America:

The White House has confirmed a 1.25 billion dollar budget for the coronavırus urgent plan. President of America shared a post on Twitter " The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all the relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"

I think the president had concerned for the stock market. In the following days, we will see what will happen in the stock market! And Canada cancelled to flights from Beijing and Shanghai to Canada until 10 April.

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From earth.


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