Chapter XII : What was the advice of the world health organization? (19 -21 February - Wuhan & Coronavırus)

Over 2 thousand people passed away. Countries have suspended flights. Iran an example. But how is ıt started this pandemic?Japan reported 12 new cases today. We already know coronavırus has started in Wuhan. But how is ıt started this pandemic in the japan?An infected person travelled from Yokohama to Hong Kong. (20 January).His test had positive. (1 February) Then Japan reported 10 new cases in his location. This is how virus spreading.

Shortly South Korea, Hubei, İran ( with death case), Japan and Taiwan reported new cases.
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"This virus is clearly more capable of spreading between humans than any other novel coronavirus we've ever seen. This is more akin to the spread of flu. "This statement belongs to a doctor in China. The virus looks like flu but its hazard than flu or SARS.

COVID-19 had 3.4 percent death rate and Sars 9.6 per cent. ( by February numbers)
Also, ıf some people have a COVID-19 other people getting caught it 30-40 per cent. But this is not same for SARS. the Sars caught rate was 10 or 30 per cent. ( by February numbers) Coronavirus incubation time is between 4-14 day, sars 2-7.( by February numbers)
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Economic events:

Nissan says it won't be able to reopen some plants in China as planned. It isn't only for Nissan. Other companies will obey this custom in the following days. People will work at home.
Financial express

Also, Airlines could lose $29.3 billion in revenue due to coronavirus. Because countries had cancelled the flight abroad. The new crisis began for airlines companies.
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What was the advice of the world health organization? Total virus case was more than 75 thousand (1073 case outside of China.) WHO shared a report. It was " which country in under the danger." China was in the very high group but all world under the high risk. And WHO had advice:

-Stop the flights from Wuhan to your country

-find who is the case at early

- start the vaccine work

-protect your citizen and warn for wrong news...
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From earth.


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