Chapter VIII : 8th February - Wuhan & Coronavırus

Sorry, I didn't write a new story last 3 day. It was a very strange day. We will talk about what happened from 6th February until 8 February. Why ı don't write the specific day spacing? Cause' ı have a lot of note about the between 6 and 8 February :)

So, What happened these days.

Kevin Frayer

Coronavırus had seemed in 28 countries.

From Australia to Canada.
From France to Nepal...
From the Philippines to Germany...
From the US to Taiwan...

Wuhan reported over 34 thousand cases and 722 people pass away. And, Other countries had over 300 cases. Governments are concerned about travels. We know a few countries made evacuation flight.  But they had an idea.  " cancel the flights and close the borders"

middle east monitor

Also the US concerned about virus. President shared a tweet. Was the US ready to fight the vırus? What will happen? We will see. Also, who will win? hot weather or vırus? or neither?

All world wondered about the Cruise travel ship.  The Cruise ship had more than 3 thousand people. The ship was going from Vietnam to hong kong. But Hong Kong Health department said, " almost 30 people had coronavırus symptoms."

Another travel ship was in quarantine. The Diamond Princess had over 3 thousand people and a thousand crew. 64 people had positive.
Philip Fong

All China neighbours had a vırus but in North Korea hadn't. But why? Cause' reporters didn't take news from North Korea. North Korea was like closed to all world.

Philip Fong

Hong Kongers was looking concerned about toilet paper. They bought all the toilet paper in markets.  This situation not only in hong kong also we will see in the US and all Europe countries at coming soon.Countries were living in transporter problems. Also, 14 days quarantine implemented for who coming from China in Hong Kong.


Please excuse any grammatical errors.

Don't forget the subscribe.

Stay at home.

Respect all health care worker.

From earth.


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