Chapter IX : 9th February - Wuhan & Coronavırus

Hi, coronavırus cases were spreading. All World gathered all problems. They had one problem.

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More than 37000 cases were in the world and over 800 people pass away. Vırus has seen in 28 countries.
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A few News agency shared "The economic impact to be worse than sars." They were right. The Sars pandemic impressed to tourısm 41 per cent in hong kong. But now the coronavırus more dangerous than sars for the economy. The transportation agencies didn't enough in Asia. People were in the home and they needed the food. They were using the online shop. Online shops were working nonproblems. Online shops usage raised during the lockdown.
                                                                        Angela Weiss
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10th of February US had an idea. President Trump wanted " couldn't support to WHO". Because Donald Trump said, " WHO didn't enough warn to the world when vırus was starting." Maybe he was right. Some articles made a claim " the virus began December in 2020".
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We told about some vessels in the last post. Vessels was waiting for the lockdown. But now 4 vessels had a lockdown.

*Diamond princess
*World dream
*Anthem of the seas
*Westerdam had a virus case.
Anadolu Ajansı
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From earth.


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