6 Big Danger for People Life

The world has a seven continent and these continents have a very different culture, customs. West of the world's thinking about the money, south of world's think about the water in this time.

Also, the middle east wants to peace, west of world's want to area at the same time. One side of the world talking about the economy other side petroleum. 


But People still working for a living, study for the future but they living different danger. Also, we know last danger's name is Covid-19.

But what are the other dangers?

1. Negative life standards


People's working in non-healthy place, unwanted condition.  After then they suffer illness problems. We see especially this event in the crowd countries.


Scientists examined the radiation a lot of time. Also, we know what is the positive impact and negative impact of the radiation.


But radiation spreading via technological developments. For example, 5.13 billion people have a mobile phone, 2 billion have a laptop, 75 per cent of the world has internet.

People's using technologic material then radiation impact is rising, for this reason, we will still hear radiation hazard.

3. Smoking

We hear"Smoking is dangerous and killer"sentence every day. 

Also, News programmes include lung illness news, governments warn about smoking. But we don't care. We still smoking. What is the many illness reasons?

Absolutely smoke.

4. Globular Pandemic

Actually, we live a pandemic every 50 years. Then, the virus spreading, we are staying at home but we only waiting for the saver.

Who is your saver?

You or someone else.

We have seeing coronavirus news every day. People don't follow the rules and don't use the mask but they still waiting for the saver.

5. Non-Healthy Food

Especially in Africa!

They still don't find enough food and water.

A lot of company, non-government organization working for this problem but they never solve this problem.

Ask yourself. Why they still don't solve this problem?
6. Hygiene conditions

we told about unhealthy food but they still live in the hazard area.

They have very problems. Some organization help them but it isn't enough.

At home, in the office and public area hasn't hygiene conditions.

Big countries are there for gold, coffee, also cheap labour.

Actually, we know the world rules but still can't say something anymore.
trt world

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