Chapter I : 27 January - Wuhan & Coronavırus

This post includes New York Times reporter Chris Buckley's took photos. He was going to China and ı was following his posts on Twitter at the same time. He was sending posts every day but a day he didn't the send post. Days are getting a pass he still didn't send a post. But a day ı saw his post on Twitter. Yes, he was ill by Coronavirus. Now I will talk about his coronavirus news.

We'll go step by step.

Date: 27 January: He is working for the New York Times. When coronavirus pandemic started he moved to Wuhan. He shared observes from Wuhan train station. A man was smoking and social distance wasn't there.
Photo: Chris Buckley
He moved to the city centre for the stay at night. Also, be reported, " I didn't see police or another securıty personal in the Wuhan" but the police did not permit visitors to enter the city.
Photo: Chris Buckley
He went to the hospital for the coronavirus cases. He was shocked. People and children were waiting for the queue for the coronavırus test. If they need to coronavirus test the families were waiting outside. After the day he went shopping. The food markets hadn't product. The seller said, " we don't have enough food but it's coming. Perhaps, It's will be more expensive than now."   
Photo: Chris Buckley
Also, a piece of news appeared on Tv. The Hospitals was full in Wuhan then government created urgent hospital points. That night the police department of china shared a statement. If reporters share wrong news we penalty them!

Day 28 is tomorrow. I add a new post about this story every day.

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Stay at home.

From earth.

Chris Buckley Link


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