Isotopic Geochemistry | Oxygen-18 | Vol1

Isotopic geochemistry has several principal roles in geoscience. One is about the interpretation of geologic structures(magma, rocks, subduction zones...) with enrichment or depletion of certain isotopic species and the other is radiometric age dating. Today we gonna talk about the first role.

We have used data from "Ultrapotassic Volcanism from the Waning Stage of the Neotethyan Subduction: a Key Study from the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan Suture Belt" article( You can read the article via link). We created graphs Ba/La - Nb/Ta versus Oxygen-18 values. Ba is a fluid-mobile element but La is less mobile and both are incompatible elements. These graphs indicate that rock has more Ba/La, Nb/Ta,143Nd/144Nd, MgO, Co, and Sc value ıf rock has less Oxygen-18 value. And addition, The rocks, which have more Ba/Th, Sr/Th, Nb/Ta value and 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb radiogenic value, tend to contain less oxygen-18 clinopyroxene.


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