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Credit: shutterstock.com/Anton Watman - LatinLawyer.com
Brezilya ilk petrol ihracatını 2006 yılında yaptı.2007 yılında ülkenin 230 km güney-batısında yapılan araştırma ile bu ihracatı arttıracak yeni keşifler yapıldı.
Petrol gelirlerini topluma yönelik çalışmalarda (eğitim ve altyapı) kullanacaklar.Öte yandan Brezilya 50 milyon dolar desteği de yeni keşifler yapılması amacıyla özel sektöre hibe vereceğini de duyurdu.
Fault Map
Reserve Area
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World Oil Production
South America Oil Production
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Brazil has announced new oil reserves which to enough for 50 years. This amount is enough for a rivalry with Saudi Arabia. Brazil has made its first export in 2006. In 2007, new discoveries were made to increase this export with the research carried out 230 km southwest of the country. They will use petroleum revenue for citizens ( education and substructure). On the other hand, They announced a 50 million dollar fund for the private sector for new discoveries.
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