All About Rare Earth Metals

"Rare Earth Minerals" are 17 elements located on the periodic table and they are essential to the high-tech and clean energy industry. The name is a little deceiving because rare earth elements are relatively plentiful in the Earth's crust. They are regarded as "rare" because deposits of these elements are generally not exploitable commercially. China has one-third of the world's reserves and controls 97% of the world's supply.

The demand for rare earth will increase 500,000 tons in 2020 as big projects in green energy and hybrid cars are expected to rise. You can read more rare earth metal article:

Who has the large rare-earth element reserve in the world?

Rare earth reserves worldwide as of 2020

Bilinmeyen Kaynak : Nadir Toprak Elementleri(NTE)

Source: Buckyballs


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