ArcMap is a program and to analyze geospatial data. Examples; you can create a contour map, Hydrological map, 3d map, slope map...
How can you create a contour map and hydrological map with ArcMap?
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For contour map: 1.Open the Google Earth and add the path where are you study area.
2. Save this path with kml format
3. Change this format to gpx (you can use online programmes)
4. open the arcmap--> arc toolbox-->from gps--> gpx to feature and choose your gpx file
5. spatial analyst tools--> surface-->contour (contour ınterval: space size between contour blank )
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1. You need a TIN data ( you can find in the USGS or other sources)
2. Open the TIN data
3.Arctoolbox--> Geospatial analyst tools -->hyrology--> Fill ( choose Tıf data)
4.Arctoolbox--> Geospatial analyst tools -->hyrology--> Flow Direction( choose Fill data)
5.Arctoolbox--> Geospatial analyst tools -->hyrology--> Flow Accumulation ( choose Stream Data)
6.Arctoolbox--> Geospatial analyst tools -->hyrology--> Stream order
7.Arctoolbox--> Geospatial analyst tools -->hyrology--> Stream feature
Then you can save with kml format
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