Chapter XIV: Will it disappear eventually?(26-28 February)

The virus gathers all worlds people same point. “Life”
The countries were taking measures. An of them President Trump claims the coronavirus will “disappear” eventually.  Was he right?  Also, Minister of CDC has answered some question about the virus.

-Should people be afraid?
-Should people engage in regular handwashing and coughing into their sleeves?
-Should people be stocking up on cleaning supplies?

Everything was the right way for the USA.
The economic situation in the worlds was getting worst.  Investors have said,” this is possibly the worst thing I’ve seen in my career”.  Everything was plausible for the ınvestor. The profits, stocks markets effecting from the vırus... The ınvester weren't want to lose the share.  They expecting to rise the economic parameters.  By the time, a debate still continuous.  What will happen to the stock market? All world provide stocks from China and other Asia countries. But now, They are closed. The people aren't searching for a mask or other medical pill. But what will happen when they need these? A famine is coming?
The doctor said, “ the mask won't protect your life from the virus” these days. Monaco has declared the first virus case.Spain, the US, South Korea, Mexico, Iraq, Israel and a few new countries declared new cases numbers. And the coronavırus map was this.

Johns Hopkins Unıversity
Please excuse any grammatical errors.

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