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Schools don't need to close if a pupil is feared to have coronavirus. This statement shared from Public Health England. Also, the UK had vırus. But Boris Johnson will share statement at next times for this situation. This statement will be "herd immunity".
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IMF had concerns. President of IMF Georgieva was saying when coronavırus effect to the economy: " It is too early to say because we don't yet quite know what is the nature of this virus. We don't know how quickly China will be able to contain it. We don't know whether it will spread to the rest of the world."She was right. The virus was spreading all world with economic crises. By the way, Japan export fall 2.6 per cent. Also, Apple, Car companies and Holiday Inn were feeling this crisis.
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Republic of turkey made evacuation flight from Ankara to Wuhan 30th January. The quarantine finished for who came from Wuhan in today. Minister of the health of Turkey " nobody doesn't show symptom and all test results are negative " said.Cnn
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From earth.
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